Is Your Farm Ready for Winter?

Is Your Farm Ready for Winter

Winter-Specific Insurance Considerations for Farmers

With the early finish to this year’s harvest, it’s time to shift our focus temporarily before heading into the winter weather that accompanies living in Ohio.

Ohio winters are always volatile, comically varying from 50 degrees one day to -15 the following.

While you may disagree following this past week, winter 24-25 is forecasted to be warmer than normal, but accompanied by an elevated amount of precipitation.

Regardless of how it eventually turns out, we are all at risk of higher claims activity throughout the Ohio winter.

Follow these tips to help avoid insurance claims on your farm this winter:

  • Maintain Buildings and Dwellings – Inspect the roof for loose or missing shingles. Ensure gutters and downspouts are cleaned and maintained. Perform any structural repairs to avoid collapse under the weight of ice and snow. Ensure proper insulation to avoid burst pipes.
  • Trim Your Tree Branches – The weight of ice and snow routinely causes tree branches to snap during the Ohio winter months. Trimming branches away from your home and other structures will prevent damage in the event of falling branches.
  • Winterize Your Machinery and Equipment – Change oil, check the battery and tire pressure in machinery and vehicles used for snow removal. Inspect and maintain generators and stock adequate amounts of fuel in case of power outages.
  • Check Heating Units – Have the furnace of your home inspected and serviced prior to the weather getting too cold. If heating units are used in outbuildings like a barn or greenhouse, ensure they are functioning properly. If not, repair or replace the units.
  • Prepare Livestock for the Weather – Ensure livestock has adequate access to dry, warm shelter with plenty of feed and water. Perform regular health checks to ensure proper nutrition and grooming throughout the winter months.
  • Consult your insurance agent – Ensure your farm insurance protects you from winter-related incidents like roof collapse, inland flooding, and livestock mortality. Take adequate before pictures of your buildings in case the need for a claim does arise.

No one knows your farm better than you. This is a brief overview of areas to consider when planning for winter in Ohio.

While we can’t do it all for you, we can certainly help by reviewing your insurance, providing peace of mind that you’ll have everything you need when things go wrong. Contact us today to ensure adequate coverage for your needs.

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