Do You Know Where You Are Going to Find Your Next Employee?

Do you know where you are going to find your next employee

The construction industry is experiencing a labor crisis. A combination of retiring skilled workers, geopolitical forces, fewer young professionals entering the trades, and pandemic-related disruptions have led to a severe work-force shortage. A skilled labor shortage is at the heart of the issue—a gap where the demand for qualified, experienced workers far exceeds supply. This […]

Lights. Camera. Action. Gotcha!

Lights. Camera. Action. Gotcha!

Learn about using affordable technology to mitigate loss to trade contractors. Read some practical suggestions that may benefit your trade contracting business. Perception and greed. Intriguing movie themes, as well as real life motivators. With that in mind, this blog rolls out three hypothetical takes focused on a particular aspect of the daily operation of […]

Elect Coverage for Workers’ Compensation

Elect Coverage for Workers’ Compensation

Depending on your role as an artisan contractor in Ohio, workers’ compensation may be optional. Ohio requires all employers with at least one employee to have workers’ compensation however you may be able to decline coverage as well. As the owner if you are a sole proprietor, partnership, limited liability company (LLC) acting as a […]

Don’t Take It All On, Transfer Risk to Your Subcontractors

Don’t Take It All On, Transfer Risk to Your Sub-Contractors

Working with many Artisan Contractors, I have learned it is often necessary for them to subcontract out parts of a project.  There are several key points to address when you hire a subcontractor to protect your business from loss and unforeseen expenses. Several of the key points as to why a Certificate of Insurance is […]

Contractors Errors & Omissions Insurance Could Save You a Bundle

Contractors Errors & Omissions

Many artisan contractors believe they are fully protected from liability losses for many reasons. But the standard Insurance Service Office (ISO) Commercial General Liability policy does not cover the named insured’s work or products. Contractors around Northeast Ohio register with many Cuyahoga County municipalities and must provide proof of Liability Insurance to complete the registration […]

What’s on Your List?

Contractors hard hat and tools

Read a short list of activities that present liability risk for contracting businesses. Contractors are doers. They plan, build, deliver services, and are vital to both the local and larger economies. From the single handyperson to the specialized industrial parts supplier, contractors somewhere regularly engage in one or more of the following activities. Create Operate […]

Protect Your Commercial Auto Premiums from Drastic Increases

Protect Your Commercial Auto Premiums from Drastic Increases - truck image

Spring has finally sprung in Northeast Ohio and everyday my street is lined with contractors’ vehicles. Landscapers, lawn sprinkler repair, painters, flooring installation, you get the idea. I often wonder how did the employer decide which one of their employees should have access to the company’s vehicles. At fault accidents are the most common cause […]

Protect Your Business and Clients with a Certificate of Insurance

Protect Your Business

Working with many Artisan Contractors, I have learned it is often necessary for them to subcontract out parts of a project.  There are several key points to address when you hire the subcontractor to protect your business from losses and unforeseen expenses. The limits of liability required by the subcontractor should be in writing and […]

Specialty Trades Require Special License

Contractor Blog

Learn about Ohio license requirements for five types of commercial contractors. Read five specialty trades for which Ohio commercial contractor license requirements may also apply to residential contractors. Trade contractors are essential to Northeast Ohio’s economy. From maintenance and repairs to rehabs to new construction, skilled tradespeople are key to the region’s resilience and growth. […]

General Liability Policy Rating and Limits for Artisan Contractors

Artisan Contractors

Read about General Liability insurance pricing and limits for artisan contractors. General Liability Policy Rating and Limits for Artisan Contractors Artisan contractors are vital to modern life and commerce. Tectonic advances accompanied by both the Industrial Age and the Information Age have not outdistanced the ingenuity and survival of skilled craftspeople. Modern human society needs […]