Discover a few possibilities that may reinvigorate a church with weak attendance.
Learn an exercise to redefine church life, which may help struggling churches.
The challenge for mainline Protestant churches in the 21st century continues to be attracting people. While churches have buildings, and some have healthy sources of income, a great many are struggling. People make a viable church, and many more people are staying home or doing something other than going to church. There is no fail-safe answer to reinvigorating a church, but it may be helpful to redefine church life.
For conversation starters, consider engaging your members in an exercise similar to the following example:
Choose kindness. Sometimes this may be easier said than done, but start by greeting one another with genuineness, whether in person or by a thoughtful, old-fashioned phone call.
Help your neighbors. Round up a crew to help a needy neighbor with seasonal yard work, such as leaf raking.
Upend what doesn’t work. If your attendance is weak, consider merging with another church or offering online worship services.
Read and reread your mission statement. Ask yourselves whether or not it reflects your values, as well as your capabilities to put it into operation. Be practical, and steer away from overstatements.
Commune. Gather for worship, for volunteering, for Bible study, for potlucks, for game nights.
Hope and pray. Positivity keeps everyone going, and hope and prayer lift the spirit.
Laugh. Church is serious, but it is not a straightjacket. Common sense lightheartedness may be both uplifting and inviting.
Imagine walking in someone else’s shoes. There’s no better path to compassion.
Find your strengths. Mentor youth. Knit blankets, caps, and mittens.Teach life skills. Charitable deeds are sometimes more meaningful than charitable dollars.
Educate and encourage. The Bible is the most read book in the world and probably the most misinterpreted book in the world. Teach it responsibly and encourage followers to read it routinely.
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