A Checklist for New Board Members: Can You Check Yes?

Richey-Barrett Blog (39)

As a new member on the board the journey you are beginning can be very rewarding in helping your church reach its’ goals but understanding your responsibilities is a key to that success. “But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back […]

What’s It Worth to Us?

Richey-Barrett Blog (42)

Learn about functional value as a potential alternative for older church buildings Read why functional value may be a practical choice for older churches Generational shifts in church membership are real and widespread. With headcounts dropping and expenses maintaining at best, many churches are exploring options to cut costs. For those churches which qualify, the […]

Parking Lot Safety and Inspection

Richey-Barrett Blog (38)

How often do you get to your office go through the rear entrance and not even notice the condition of the parking lot your customers and guests see or not notice gradual deterioration of an item? Having a simple checklist can help. How often do you get to your office go through the rear entrance […]

Wondering about how General Liability Business Insurance is Rated?

Richey-Barrett Blog

Learn basic factors insurance companies use to price General Liability business insurance Read how General Liability business insurance is rated When you buy coffee at the neighborhood coffee shop, visit the dentist for a professional check-up, go grocery shopping, remodel your kitchen, or eat out at your favorite restaurant in Cleveland, you are supporting the […]

The Importance of Certificates of Insurance

Richey-Barrett Blog

Read more about the importance of a Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI). Working with numerous  Artisan Contractors I have learned it is often necessary for them to subcontract out parts of a project.  There are several key points to address when you hire the subcontractor to protect your business from loses and unforeseen expenses. The […]

Who Really Pays the Insurance Claim?

Richey-Barrett Blog (34)

Dealing with property claims is always a concern for you, the property business owner. Do you have enough insurance coverage for the loss? What if the loss is caused by a defective appliance such as a refrigerator, stove, electrical cord, and/or a water supply line? Suppose you are a landlord, and the property loss is […]

Ready Reference for Recreational Boatowners

Richey-Barrett Blog (36)

Read about key factors to consider when purchasing personal boatowner’s insurance. Learn why many recreational boatowners should obtain boatowner’s insurance. The dog days of summer have hit uber levels recently, a whistle call for recreational boaters. With Lake Erie nipping the full expanse of Ohio’s northern footprint, area boaters are drawn to this natural waterpark […]

Oh No! When Your Church Upsets More Than Stomachs

Richey-Barrett Blog (29)

What do the church picnic, annual potluck, and bake sale fundraisers all have in common? Give up? The answer is people helping people in a multitude of different traditions. The classic summertime picnic for your church is usually the highlight of the events and is greatly anticipated by all. The thoughts of what dish I […]

Mechanical Breakdown Insurance More Than Boiler Insurance

Richey-Barrett Blog (33)

During a heatwave, many systems are being worked to their limit. This heavy workload could cause a mechanical breakdown. Insurance for mechanical breakdowns/equipment breakdown can be purchased as a separate policy or as an endorsement to your commercial insurance policy, Equipment Breakdown: A standard policy will cover the following types of equipment. Electrical systems-Including electric […]