Ohio Auto Insurance

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Do you drive? Do you own or lease a vehicle?
If you answered “yes” to either question, you need auto insurance. Why?

Legal liability is your primary concern.
As soon as you get behind the wheel and operate a vehicle, you are responsible for the operation of that vehicle. This applies to anyone for whom you are guardian as well as anyone you give permission to use the vehicle. You should never drive or allow anyone to operate a vehicle you own or lease unless YOU have adequate auto liability insurance.

Ohio law requires proof of financial responsibility to operate a motor vehicle.
We understand this law and the Ohio auto insurance market. Even routine fender-benders for which you are liable often cost more than many insureds can reasonably afford to pay out-of-pocket. A more serious auto accident involving bodily injury and/or significant property damage can easily move into five digits and beyond in terms of costs for which you may be legally liable. We strive to offer adequate and affordable auto liability insurance.

Comprehensive and collision auto insurance help reduce the stress level.
Direct physical damage to your vehicle can be a double whammy. First there’s the hit to your vehicle, then there’s the hit of the repair bill. Comprehensive insurance covers theft, vandalism, damage to your vehicle from an object falling on it (a tree is a good example), and damage to your vehicle from colliding with an animal. An example of collision insurance coverage is damage to your vehicle due to hitting a pothole, which can be costly.

We offer knowledge, service, discounts, and a newer feature.
You buy auto insurance for protection. We have years of experience in the Ohio auto insurance market and aim to provide you with reasonable and practical coverage options. If you have a claim, we are available to help you report it. As appropriate, we also suggest ways to mitigate further damage. We are very up-front about discounts available for items such as safe driving records, anti-theft alarm systems, anti-lock brakes, and more than one vehicle. A newer feature that we are pleased to offer through some insurance companies is telematics drive-monitoring. Essentially, the insured agrees to have his/her driving habits remotely monitored for 90 days via either a plug-in data port on the vehicle or software installed on a cell phone.

Richey-Barrett Insurance is your Trusted Choice Independent Insurance Agent for quality Ohio Auto Insurance.

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