Spring is upon us and it seems like there are Artisan Contractors everywhere. Today in the parking lot I saw two heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) trucks and roofers inspecting the building across the street. With all of this work all of a sudden, you can’t lose sight of on the job safety. Safety […]
Contractor’s Pollution Liability (CPL): What it is and Why it is Necessary
Contractors – do you need Pollution Liability coverage? Have you discussed the pollution exclusion in your General Liability policy with your agent? Contractor’s pollution liability (CPL) provides third-party coverage for bodily injury, property damage, clean up expense, and defense expense as a result of your creation of a condition that is considered pollution. This condition […]
5 Ways for Your Business to Save
A Different Kind of Floater
Everyone Makes Mistakes. Are You Covered?
George, the contractor, has more than 20 years of experience in his craft although navigating the insurance part of his business can sometimes still be foggy. No business is able to run without some bumps and after a few unpleasant customer experiences, George decides to contact his trusty insurance agent to see what actions can […]
Contractor’s Pollution Liability (CPL): What it is and why it is Necessary
Contractors – do you need Pollution Liability coverage? Have you discussed the pollution exclusion in your General Liability policy with your agent? Contractor’s pollution liability (CPL) provides third party coverage for bodily injury, property damage, clean up expense and defense expense as a result of your creation of a condition that is considered pollution. This […]