I Got Mail

I Got Mail Final

Read about recent changes to my own homeowner’s insurance policy. Learn why the long-run stability of your homeowner’s insurance company is important. My homeowner’s insurance policy renewed recently, and I got IMPORTANT mail from my homeowner’s insurance company. The IMPORTANT mail focused on recent changes to my homeowner’s insurance policy, most of which apply to […]

The Needle is Spiking Upward

The Needle is Spiking Upward Picture

Learn why the needle is spiking upward in out-of-pocket insurance expenses. Read about changes in property insurance coverage that raise out-of-pocket expenses. By John Bouhall, CPCU It takes more than one wildfire, hurricane, or severe weather event to move the needle, and the needle is spiking upward. Property damage resulting from these perils is so […]

This Is Not Fake News

This Is Not Fake News

Read about a new reality in the homeowners’ insurance market. Learn why homeowners’ insurance premiums are increasing across-the-board. We are experiencing a new reality that will have widespread consequences for all. This new reality is dramatic change, including premium increases, in the personal lines homeowners’ insurance market. It is being driven by another reality, which […]

That Was a Hail of a Storm!

That Was a Hail of a Storm

Northeast Ohio has seen two major hailstorms in the last two weeks. Accompanied by straight line winds in excess of 70 miles an hour, the roofs of apartments and smaller strip shopping centers have taken a beating. After the storms we have had, it is imperative that you inspect your roof for damage, once it […]

Location. Location. Location.

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Read why commercial property rates are increasing in all locations in 2020. Learn about one, across-the-board effect of catastrophic commercial property losses. Cleveland and Northeast Ohio are home to a wealth of commercial real estate. The gamut includes world class health care facilities; cultural institutions; theaters; research, manufacturing, and food processing operations; apartment buildings; churches; […]