Don’t Be Beat By The Heat!

Don’t be beat by the heat

Warmer weather is just around the corner for Northeast Ohio and now is the time to get your central air conditioning system ready. Most homes in Greater Cleveland use as split system. Split systems are sealed and pressurized and use circulating refrigerant to create the cooling for your home. Keeping your system running properly starts […]

Crafting a Solid Insurance Program for Owners of Apartment Buildings


As the owner of an apartment building in Northeast Ohio you want a well built, solid building. As local insurance agents we want to build a solid property and liability insurance program for you. read more A well put together insurance program consists of several components just like your building. The insurance policy should include […]

Mechanical Breakdown Insurance More Than Boiler Insurance

Copy of october 16th

During a heatwave, many systems are being worked to their limit. This heavy workload could cause a mechanical breakdown. Insurance for mechanical breakdowns/equipment breakdown can be purchased as a separate policy or as an endorsement to your commercial insurance policy, Equipment Breakdown: A standard policy will cover the following types of equipment. Electrical systems-Including electric […]

Mechanical Breakdown Insurance More Than Boiler Insurance

Richey-Barrett Blog (33)

During a heatwave, many systems are being worked to their limit. This heavy workload could cause a mechanical breakdown. Insurance for mechanical breakdowns/equipment breakdown can be purchased as a separate policy or as an endorsement to your commercial insurance policy, Equipment Breakdown: A standard policy will cover the following types of equipment. Electrical systems-Including electric […]